04 January 2012

Colloquium Tahun Baru

Dan asakan soalan dari Doktor Pengerusi menggagapkan lidah saya. Dalam sedetik kilasan masa, saya terasa seperti mahu lari dan mengaku kalah. Dalam saat yang seterusnya, saya sedar bahawa itu tidak mungkin akan berlaku sekarang. SEKURANG-KURANGNYA sekarang.
Sedikit pandangan saya menelek Doktor Penyelia di sebelah Doktor Pengerusi. Seperti ada kekecewaan di wajahnya. Dan buat kilasan detik yang seterusnya keazaman untuk meneruskan pembentangan mati serta-merta.
“Can you tell me, are you going to do the sampling at the same area? And how many sampling points are there?”
Soalan yang begitu mudah gagal ditangani dengan baik. Kepala saya sedang memproses jawapan; dan yang terkeluar daripada mulut saya ialah frasa-frasa perkataan yang masih sedang diproses – lalu mewujudkan kegagapan yang memalukan dan menghampakan.
“Er, the sampling is going to be done, er, as you can see, from my slide, there are three sampling points from the plantation. And er, the sampling is going to be conducted at 3 different agricultural stages; namely at infancy, maturity and er, at the end of the plantation age”
“Yes, and you state here you’re going to collect the samples at 0 -15 cm depth” – “Oh, it was during my initial stage of proposal. After reviewing a few literature, I decided that I’m going to collect the samples at depths 0 to 25 cm and 25 to 50 cm”
“And why is that?”
“0 to 25 cm is to see whether surface runoff would occur or not; while 25 to 50 cm depth is to see the infiltration of the nutrients and heavy metals to the groundwater...”
“I am not clear of your sampling points...” bla bla bla – organic matter, total organic content bla bla bla
“Uh huh. Uh huh” saya mengangguk dengan setia kepada setiap ayat Doktor Pengerusi.
Dan otak saya ketika itu hanya memikir akan bila berakhirnya pembentangan; dan lebih penting lagi, bila akan berakhirnya pembentangan viva voce. Dan segala semangat dan impian saya terus diragut keraguan kepada diri sendiri. Tinggal sedikit sisa. Gelaran pelajar PhD terus lesap ditelan Colloquium pertama Master of Science.
“I’m afraid to ask you further because your supervisor is here!” kata Doktor Pengerusi.
Tergelak. Ramai-ramai.
Doktor Penyelia masih senyap.
“OK, thank you” saya menutup slide dengan senyuman halus. Berlalu pergi dengan hati yang lega dan lelah.  
Jalannya masih panjang. Dan saya masih optimis.

Write curses
  1. Good Luck! Perjuangan belum selesai... i'm aware of ur situation as i have seen several students do the presentation with my boss before... mmg sangat mendebarkan.Dari air muka dah boleh tengok betapa bedebar2nya mereka.

    Suka cara penulisan awak, keep on writing.

  2. I know what's the problem is. I've been there all ages since I was in degree. One secret of it is that you need to have a lot of practice. At least 2-3 days before the day of presentation. With that you will build the confidence in yourself.

    Good luck and all the best friend.


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