06 November 2018


If I am a flower, I am a dandelion. White precious and fluffy.

Dandelions are identical genetically to their parents, it stays with their parents up until the time comes when the parent flower would release the seed, carried by the wind so far from home it would go to places the parent would never imagine going.

I am a dandelion, my whole life. I've been to places my parents could never imagine going themselves.

I was once a tiny dandelion seed, clinging tightly to the flower afraid of being blown by the wind so far from home.

But once I was away, I've grown to be myself. My DNA perhaps are hereditary but my experiences and life views are not. 

I could never come home again once I've flown so far away. I could not come home once I'm uprooted and grown away at somewhere foreign. 

The wind that once I detested and shaken me has uplifted me and brought me home to my own destiny. 

I am a dandelion.

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