25 February 2011


Sakit hati telah berlaku bilamana livewriter membuat hal dan menyebabkan masalah mengupdate blog telah berlaku. Ini telah mencabar kewarasan seorang mahasiswa picisan bernama bedaduz yang sedang berusaha meningkatkan trafik blognya yang telah terpaksa meninggalkan penulisan thesis buat sementara waktu.
Boys, and girls, and mama orang and papa orang,

LiveWriter 2011 is a new software from Microsoft designated specifically to fill the niche
of blog writing. It offers many fantastic features, yang membuatkan blogging goes easy.

But why sudah rosak? I cannot blame anybody more except u, uSpot! You see, the last attempt to update my blog was disturbed when uSpot terputus while LiveWriter was re-publishing my older post. Since then, asek keluar NullReference exception je. Kejadah?!! Nak repair I dok panda, buke oghe hebak komputer!
The only thing left to do was Googling, but it won’t settle anything! LiveWriter 2011 is still new and not much problems were encountered by the users.

That leaves me with yet another choice: CURSING! Yes, cursing! But mine choice of words is not that vulgar, just *simple* (wink2!) words such asz ‘Silaka!’ ‘Nate!’ ‘Hanjen!’ ‘Nate beghuk!’ ‘Bongek!’ See, I told you, I am very decent. Don’t like carut marut much2 like you guys do. Ala, own it je, perempuan pun kadang2 terlepas jugak mencarut. Orang laki dah biasa dengan carut2 ni. Tapi tak mau jugak LiveWriter jadi elok, I might consider reinstalling this shit.

Till livewriter is repaired, selamat Sembahyang Jumaat kepada umat Islam lelaki! Yang perempuan, sila solat Zuhur! Last update before going to Jumaat this is. Assalamualaikum and good afternoon.

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