First thing first, lagu OST dia tak sedap pun. Macam mana orang semua cakap sedap? Tak faham. Lepas tu semua excited lebih-lebih. Hohoho. This annoys me!! Mana-mana website pergi semua ombak rindu. Mana-mana blog pergi semua ombak rindu. Purke? Wei shenme ne? 为什么? Kenapa? Pse? Warum? Adakah sangat best? Tapi bila ramai sangat post pasal benda ni, definitely dia jadi merimaskan.
2. LoL
Annoyance bermusim-musim. Kalau sekali-sekala guna takpe, jangan setiap status nak letak lol.
“Lol, hari ni baru dapat jumpa buku yang hilang haritu. Lol! Rupanya jatuh tepi katil, lol!”
“Makan nasik atas dulang sumpah sedap, lol.”
“Tersilap naik komuter, lol. Sangat sedih! Lol”
I’m like, what the f? Apa yang lol sangat? Everything nak letak lol?
3. Status facebook yang passive aggressive
“Benci kau! Tak payah nak sibuk hal orang lain boleh? Kau ingat kau hebat sangat?”
“kutuklah aku lagi. Nantikan balasan! Memang kau bangsa suka tikam belakang!”
“Kenapa ini berlaku?”
Ok, you post everything dekat fb, I don’t mind. Tapi kalau ada orang yang terasa, jangan pulak nak marah dia. “Eleh, aku bukan maksudkan ko! Yang ko nak emo-emo ni pehal?!” dah tu, jangan letak status yang passive aggressive, OK? Kalau nak sangat post, direct bagitau nama sekali. “Bedah, aku benci kau!” atau “Kenapa awak malukan saya, Rahim?” Kan senang. Sebab dekat fb, they don’t know siapa yang awak maksudkan.
Lepas tu sengaja letak status yang nak tarik perhatian. Bila tanya, taknak jawab. It creates lots of problems, believe me. Ingat popular lah tu ramai respond status macam tu, siap dapat banyak like. “Kenapa weyh? Kau ok tak? Siapa yang buat ko bengang ni?” Konon-konon ramailah concern.
But it annoys me to the umpteenth level. Sangat. Kadang-kadang boleh jadi fitnah just sebab status passive aggressive ni. Sebab bila orang tau sikit, deorang akan speculate. Apa sebenarnya terjadi? Siapa yang dia maksudkan? Lepas tu, mulalah yang tak berkenaan nak tacing-tacing.
Sebab status macam ni je, ramai orang yang bergaduh.
4. Orang politik
“Rosmah, kau kurang ajar!”
“Minyak naik harga lagi? UMNO, kau tunggu PRU-13!”
“Biasiswa lambat masuk lagi! Sah kerajaan makan duit rakyat!”
This is very tiresome. Ok, setengah status tentang politik is acceptable. After all, facebook is all about diversity. Macam-macam orang yang ada. Sukan, politik, hiburan, narcissistic. Tapi kalau setiap status nak letak pasal politik, rasa macam nak unfriend je. Sudah-sudahlah. Dalam politik there’s no right or wrong, so tak perlulah nak berparti sangat. Buat menyemak wall orang lain je. Lagi-lagi kalau post something yang berbaur fitnah. Kan ke akan dapat dosa sekali menyebar fitnah?
Ada jugak post tentang politik yang OK. Yang sederhana is OK. Macam update pasal pilihanraya ke, daftar pengundi ke. Atau ada fakta yang menarik untuk dikongsi ke. Mengajak kita berfikir ke. Yang tak best kalau ada maki-maki sekali, bukak aib orang, selak kain orang, kutuk akhlak@amalan orang lain. Kononnya kitalah Islamik, kononnya kitalah pembela bangsa. In the end, dapat dosa jugak. Sendiri pikirlah.
5. Nak rage tak tentu pasal
“Dulu kau sombong dengan aku bila aku mintak tolong, buat perangai babi ko. Sekarang kau susah reti pulak nak mintak tolong aku. Bangang punya manusia!”
Well, these are a few statuses that I had come across dekat fb, all by a same, single person. Sama macam passive aggressive status, tapi passive aggressive statuses tu orangnya lain-lain, dan bukan everytime orang tu post status macam tu. Ada jugak deorang post benda lain pasal makan ke, pasal dapat anak sedare ke, pasal dah bertunang ke, pasal birthday ke.
Tapi orang yang rage tak tentu pasal ni macam takde self control. Semua status dia nak maki-maki orang. Yes, almost SEMUA status dia. It might be good kalau dia cakap direct dekat orang berkenaan, maybe mesej je, atau post dekat wall orang tu. Kalau dah buat then tak payah nak letak sebagai status dah.
Tak perlulah nak update dekat fb, lepas tu bagi satu dunia baca makian dia. kang kalau tegur kita pulak yang kena maki. It’s not nice la. Maybe sometimes boleh, kadang-kadang dah terlampau tension bolehlah kita lepaskan sikit. Tapi kalau everytime it’s not cool dude.
6. Orang share poster motivasi
Yeah right. Memang lepas share poster motivasi kita akan motivated. But it’s too much, up to being annoying. Sikit-sikit keluar quotes baru yang share daripada Book of Quotes, atau I Share You Share We Share, who cares?
Orang putih kata, less is more. Kalau banyak-banyak sangat effect motivasi tu akan jadi berkurangan. So share sikit-sikit je. Nak share banyak-banyak tulis dekat blog. Boleh?
7. Orang sebar fitnah
Keli makan babi, coklat ada babi, PEPSI ada darah HIV, Yakjuj Makjuj dah dijumpai, Pokemon nama-nama Yahudi, senarai makanan ada babi, otak berulat sebab makan sushi. Internet McD dipotong sebab Rosmah suruh. Maigod. Very lousy. Lepas tu kita percaya bulat-bulat, kita share. Kita sekali menyumbang sebar fitnah.
Kalau benda-benda yang meragukan macam ni, baik kita at least google dulu nak tau betul ke tak. Seriously, Google je dah boleh tau benda ni hoax. It’s not that hard. Daripada kita terus sebar fitnah, kena kaji dulu. Betul tak?
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِن جَاءَكُمْ فَاسِقٌ بِنَبَإٍ فَتَبَيَّنُوا
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman ketika datang kepada kalian orang yang fasik dengan membawa suatu berita maka tabayyunlah (carilan kebenaran berita)".(QS. Al Hujurat : 6)
See peeps? Hadoi. Allah pun dah bagitau supaya siasat dulu benda tu betul atau tidak. Jangan terus percaya.
So that’s all for today. Tomorrow I’ve got test, so wish me luck OK?
Assalamualaikum and bye.
masuk je entry ni tiba2 kuar words ombak rindu *puke*
couldn't agree more than this. :)
ReplyDelete=) thx!
ReplyDeleteTerlalu banyak nak menghadam. Itulah fakta benar untuk gejala FB. Sama jer macam era boom email. Walaweh!
ReplyDeletelorr..aku ngadap muka ko 3 taun x tau lak ko ada blog..haha..pndai ek ko tulis..aku subs je la.. - kacang
ReplyDeleteYeah,u're right
ReplyDeleteeh, kacang. blog aku detect ko sebagai spam. haha. terpaksa aku approve. ooo, meh kasik link blog ko. nak gak aku bace!
ReplyDeleteits like a phenomena,
once ade org post quotation,
pastu bederet la nak post mende yg same.bosan!!!
Okay. terasa. Tak share dah you share i share we share jiran sebelah also share. :P
ReplyDeletenice post.. at least i know i am not alone on this issue.. :) especially ombak rindu and lol part.. i question the same thing too..
ReplyDeletelol..suke entry ni lol..hahahakk
ReplyDeleteyes betul . kdg2 annoying jugak . tp tu fb diorg kan . kalau jenis buka fb 24 hours, fiuuu mmg byk lah kuar . hehehe . semua org sama . mcm saudara tulis blog ni, msti ada nk tuju pd org2 dlm frenlist saudara kan .
ReplyDeleteini pendapat sy .
peace :)
Okay, saya setuju semua point kecuali ombak rindu dan poster motivasi. Kenapa?
ReplyDelete1. Ombak Rindu- Hati perempuan ni halus dan lembut. Diorang selalu tersentuh oleh ayat-ayat yg sedih terutama sekali yg ada kena mengena dengan diorang. But kaum lelaki susah nak touching-touching sikit dgn ayat-ayat puitis ala2 sedih ni. That's why ramai perempuan akan post some of lirik-lirik lagu. Itu saluran mereka untuk meluahkan perasaan. Hanya lelaki sejati yang dapat memahami kehalusan hati seseorang perempuan tu :)
2. Poster motivasi- Amat berkesan utk memotivasikan diri seseorang yg sedang down. Tambah-tambah lagi kalau berkaitan dengan ilmu agama. Kecuali kalau ada orang yang tak mahu dirinya dimotivasikan.
Just sharing my thoughts, no offense, chill :)
oh, saya OK je kalau deorang post sikit2. seriously OK la kan kalau sikit2. tapi bila terlampau banyak sampai setiap kali kita bukak fb itu je yang keluar, rasa annoyed jugaklah. hu3...
ReplyDeletehahahahahaa...agree! with u..;)
ReplyDeletenak minta maaf, encik ni baru belajar perkataan 'annoying, annoys' ke? i felt kinda irritated with the word 'annoys' that you're using. but overall, like reading your blog so far :)
ReplyDeleteannoys? which part is wrong with annoys? hu3...
Deletethx for coming!
xnk tgk status org,block suda..xpun ber-BLOG je..xyah ade account FB better for you =p
ReplyDeletehaah. berBLOG la ni. hehe.
Deleteabis 2 nk tulis apa kat status??
ReplyDeletesemua tak boleh ni??hehehe
satu lg status yg mmg annoying ..
- harini saya nak jumpa dengan dia..gembiranyeee..
- saya dapat aiskrim dari dia arini..
- gaduh dgn dia arini..bad mood..
apelah..bkn halal pun nak cite kat org..annoying btul..huff
kan? yg mcm tulah annoying. ok, sometimes i just ignore them. tapi kalau i replied asking 'kenapa bad mood ni? ada apa?' then dia jawab: 'takde apalah. takde apa2 pon'
Deleteannoyed tak? dah takde pape watpe letak status gitu?
post yg passive aggressive..bila fikir lebih mendalam..sama je dgn post ni...kan? 2x5.. ^__^
ReplyDeletewell maybe. tapi blog ni tak paksa sesiapa baca pun. u open at ur own risk. kalau dkt fb kalau taknak baca pun keluar jugak dkt Home. =)
DeleteHee~ tumpang baca saja :)
ReplyDeletesetuju dgn Shafiq Ghazali
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletebiasa lah kn semua org ada pandangan masing2.. tapi yg no 1 n 6 to still can tolerate lg, selera masing2 apa boleh buat kn hehe myb kalau xsuke post org tu, kita boleh hide post dy or sng remove je keke
ReplyDeleteouhh ok....kdg2 mmg annoying lar....tp ape nak buat dah lumrah ber FB kan...
ReplyDeleteterima jelh seadanya....
i have an advise for you brother... if every posts in fb seems not right for you, then dont open you fb account anymore...
ReplyDeletemmg annoying kdg2 nye dan sllu nya yg buat2 sttus anoyng ni bdk2 sklh so nk ckp bnyk pun diorg ni masih x matured jd nye telan je lh prsaan mnymph tu dh bsr nnti pndai lh diorg anoyng sndri:p ..hehe peace ^__^
ReplyDeletehehe. stuju2! tapi ada jugak yg dah besar, siap masuk U bagai. camne tu?
Deletekalau dah tau anoyying jangan baca bang ....
ReplyDeletetaknak baca pon...tapi keluar sendiri dalam Home =)
Deletehurm.. setuju dgn beberapa point tapi pasal ombak rindu tu kira ok la. cerita tgh naik, mmg la camtu. cuba dah sebulan 2 nnt, konfem senyap. so, sekarang better pura2 x nampak status tu okay. one more thing, kalo itu tak boleh, ini tak boleh dah tu nak pos ape encik blogger? just curious to the max. btw, salam ziarah. :)
ReplyDeleteTapi Ombak RIndu citer dia x best... :( sbb tu annoying...
Deletesemua ni bole post dkt fb, tak kisah pun. tapi berpada-padalah...takkan setiap hari nak tulis status yang marah2 je kot? =)
terima kasih atas lawatan! =)
then, nk tulis status ape kt fb?? ni sume adlah jnis2 status. amnde la. haha Salam Ziarah la. =)
ReplyDeleteAssalamualaikum...well said....and well done...really am proud to have such a broad minded person like you..how umi wish all young generations could think like you..inshaAllah...thank you so much...please add me to your facebook, thanks..
ReplyDeletehehe 2x5 .
ReplyDeletekalau annoying report je as spam/delete je trus heehhe skip jelah wat tak nampak... free wall kan?
ReplyDeletey'know something really interesting, all your other posts are fine, except for this current post im on, bcause incredibly, u just annoyed me. FB is a social networking place for public and one has an utter right on his own FB acc which he can do almost everything on it. you might be saying, 'its my blog, i can say whatever i want due to my perceptions on things.' you know what dude, the random people you just condemned are saying the same thing. if all these things annoy you so much. Delete all your friends in yr friend lists and have no friend at all. bcause sadly, you are a horrible friend, you are not concern enough about others. one day, when you need to be heard, none will be there for you - or worse, they might condemn you, just like you did. imagine you're a doctor, a guy comes to you and says, ' hey doc, i cant seem to do anything. fever kills my aptitudes.' will you respond, 'dont be sissy. stop yapping and complaining. it's just a fever and your behavior annoys me.' is that what you are going to say? there's another alternative if you cant be sensible or at least not being jaundice towards other - you can simply deactivate your FB acc. Create your own social networking place that doesnt have any postings or statuses. you'll enjoy the solitude. BTW thanks for sharing your opinion - none have ever asked for it. I'm not offended at all, i just figured out that you are a sad creature.
ReplyDeleteOH and one more thing. you might say 'if you dont like what i wrote - dont read my blog.'
ReplyDeletedont worry. this will be the last time as it is the time when i came across a selfish note. and if some say that im a mean person, help yourself people - he's condemning you as well, the only thing that doesnt annoy him is himself. a person that is so full of himself is literally lonely. i dont blame you for that - you are born heartless - what can i say. farewell then, you have just let me read you just by your posts. condolences for you - i hope one day you'll think more of others and not just yourself. you might do the same thing like them, if you are in the same shoes as them. we just dont know. He knows everything - you know nothing. the best thing that humans can do is to be nice to one another and support each other through thick or thin. and if, if someday you feel like sharing feelings to others and the thought that sharing feelings is something that you have condemned once, you'd have a very wonderful facepalm. you would choose not to share and keep it to yourself and before you know it - you are trapped in solitude and lonliness. it is scary. bye,
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ReplyDeletepergh..aku suka yg ni..haha..
ReplyDeleteOk my opinion.. Somes true somes not...
ReplyDeleteMmg ade yg kite cam x suke bace.. Tp kite x leh nk puaskan ati kite jek..
Klo x suke leh hide je post dorang xde msalah pon...
Lg pon dorang2 nye post tu x mnggangu gugat kehidupan kite pon kan...
So klo x suke jgn bace. N layan .. klo x buat donno je la k...
Becoz internet ni dunia tanpa sempadan. Lg pon mereke2 ade hak bersuare..
Internet pon masing2 bayar sendiri...
Ok... Peace...
nie la namenye fb, up t0 them la nk p0st ap pn, fb d0rg kn n0t yours, kalu x suke xpyh bace n xpayah bukakk abes citer... kalu sume x leh letak, abestu d0rg nk letak status ap t0k bg k0 puas ati?? fb x menghadkn staus ap yg ptt n x patut diletak,,, suke ati d0rg la... itu hak d0rang 0k.. matang sikit bro
ReplyDeletesukehati dyeowg lar nk post pew pown ! masing2 de hak masing2,, who are you to judge ? it is my own FB,my own life,,no need to be busybody !
ReplyDeletetake care yourself 1st lar ! depanda pade dyeowg lar nk tujukan pade sesiapa pown,,itu masalh dyeowg,,, law xske jgn ade FB,TWITTER or whtever ! AND XPERLU NK WUJUDKAN SUME NIW ! law xsuke bnde niw sume xpyh nk de blog,FB ,,,,jd KUNO jew,,, duduk dlm hutan,,, xpyh bergaul dgn org,,,be ANTISOCIAL ! oke? agree? pliz lar ! maju lar kedepAN ! sekarang zaman IT ! law xde org nk gunekan ,,, sape lg? CKP? WHO?
Org guna IT sambil guna otak. bukan mcm org yg duduk dlm kotak.. jakun x bertempat...
DeleteLow class.. hahahaha
i sensed 'w' words and i took an arrow to my knee.
Deleteand i still sensing other 'w'words here and there.
that arrow is not big enough.
so i think.
nice blog, u speak my mind out, and its enthralling.
ill keep on reading your blog dude. (:
suka hatilah deorang nak tulis apa. saya tak kisah pun. tapi kalau yang deorang tulis tu boleh bawak pergaduhan, menyebarkan fitnah kan tak bagus? lagipun kalau nak sangat cerita dekat orang, cerita jelah habis2. ni kalau tanya sikit, taknak pulak cerita.
ReplyDeleteini teguran ikhlas je, saya takde pun attack deorang secara peribadi. most of orang yang post ni kawan2 jugak. peace! =)
some part saya agree, ada juga yang tak berape setuju.
ReplyDeletemasing-masing ada fb, depend pada individu itulah nak guna macam mana.
tapi, yang poster motivasi x berapa setuyju..kekadang poster2 macam tu boleh juga memberi motivasi kepada rakan-rakan yang lain
no.3 memang agree dengan penulis blog ini...
nway, thanx for sharing.sgt bermanfaat
Ada yg ok ada yg x ok..
ReplyDeletekalu yg post motivation quote tu rasanya x salah..Selagi dia x cakap yg dia jer yg bagus.. Just sharing x salah.. Sama juga mereka2 yg post hadis2 dan potong2 ayat al-Quran...
Pada mereka yg suka meluahkan isi hati dan perasaan pada public tu terpulanglah pada mereka.. FB diorang.. Tp jgn marah kalau kita boleh kata pd mereka2 itu sebagai low class sbb suka pada publisiti murahan.. cerita semua apa yg ada dlm hati dan perasaan pada semua org.. nak semua org simpati atau gembira sama2 dgn diorang.. hahaha..
Low class...
aku tahu ramai yang rage ni mesti tgk cerita korea.
ReplyDeleteaku rase lah. sebab aku nampak post kau ni pun adalah personal opinion.
antara kita nak ikut atau tak nak ikut itu atas diri kita sendri.
btw, congratulation dude. u got haters!
LoL! the stronger the opinion, the stronger the haters. =) thx!
Deletehoi lawak gila! xD
ReplyDeleteops mintak maaf ^^"
ReplyDelete*except part lagu ombak rindu. sedap la! tapi blog bunyi lagu, x suka jugak