23 October 2011


Ok, sengaja tulis tajuk dalam CAPS LOCK . Konon-konon nak curi perhatian.
Salam peeps.
Pernah dengar tak pasal Uncle dari Jepun bernama Shota Fujiwara? Oh, mestilah tak pernah. Kalau pernah dengar pun mesti tak ingat nama dia kan? Ini kisahnya pak cik Fujiwara.

otak berulat
“Otakku makananmu habitatmu”
Inilah akibat makan sushi & sashimi (ikan mentah, gurita mentah,udang mentah, dsb). Nama orang ini Shota Fujiwara dari Gifuprefecture, Jepun, umur 80 thn, telah menderita sakit kepala yang luar biasa selama 3 tahun dan telah kehilangan kemampuan psikomotoricnya. Setelah menjalani pemeriksaan CT-scan & X-ray, doktor yang merawatnya menemukan sarang ulat di bawah kulit kepalanya namun masih diluar tempurung otaknya.


Ulat seperti yg didapati pada kepala Shota Fujiwara adalah berasal dari parasit yg selalunye didapat pada tubuh ikan mentah baik ikan laut maupun ikan air tawar. Ulat parasit & telurnya hanya boleh dimatikan dgn melalui proses pemasakan dgn panas yang tinggi (digoreng, dipanggang atau direbus mendidih atau dgn pembekuan -10 degC s/d -20 degC selama lebih dari 1 minggu)
Nom nom nom! Sedak lajok boh make otok oghe!”
What? Saya sebagai MythBuster versi comel Malaysia memang tak percaya sangat kalau orang share benda ni.
Mesti tipu ni. Sekali lepas Google. Ohmaigoat. Cerita sebenar encik dalam gambar ni lebih dahsyat dari setakat otak berulat.
Ni cerita sebenar:
Pada suatu hari bulan Oktober 2002, seorang encik yang berumur 70-an ni telah mengalami kemalangan jalan raya yang tidak serius. Pasukan paramedik San Mateo County telah menyelamatkan Encik ni (sebab tu gambar dia terlantar atas stretcher) dan mengejarkan dia ke Hospital Universiti Stanford.
Deorang semua terkejut sebab otak dia dah terkeluar dan dah takde tempurung kepala. Tapi encik ni (namanya tak tau, tak dipublish) cakap dia tak dapatkan rawatan sebab tak rasa sakit. Dah sampai tahap lalat hijau (Phaenicia sericata) ambil kesempatan bertelur. Gee! Camni tak sakit otak dah keluar segala? OK, part ni yang orang silap ya. Bukannya dia makan sushi, tapi sebab dia kena kanser angiosarcoma. Kanser ni menyebabkan kulit kepala dengan tempurung dia terdedah, n sekaligus menyebabkan otak dia pun terdedah (macam pelik je ayat ni…). Anyways, sebab kanser ni, otak dia tak dilindungi oleh kulit dan tempurung kepala.
Lepas tu, bila dah terdedah, lalat pun hinggap la bertelur. Sama macam ayam goreng yang kita letak atas meja. Kan lalat suka hinggap. See? Lagi ngeri kan cerita dia daripada cerita makan sushi?
Pak cik ni dikejarkan masuk dalam bilik kecemasan, dan masa tu saiz lubang kat kepala dia ialah 15 x 17cm. Ulat-ulat tu semua divakum, dibubuh peluntur (yang cair) dan sebagainya untuk mengusir mereka pergi dari kepala encik ni.
Pak cik ni dibawak pulak ke pusat fasiliti khas untuk rawatan, tapi meninggal dunia 3 bulan kemudian. Kes pak cik ni kemudiannya diterbitkan dalam jurnal Neurosurgery pada tahun 2007. Kes ulat bertelur dalam kepala ni dinamakan human cerebral myasis dan sangat jarang berlaku.
So gambar encik ni bukan photoshop. Gambar ni memang betul dia ambil lepas pak cik tu dikejarkan dari hospital sewaktu kemalangan kereta. Tapi ini bukan gambar ulat daripada sushi, tapi dari lalat hijau. Ngeri dua kali. Satu, sakit kanser boleh terkupas kulit dengan tempurung kepala. Dua, lalat singgah lalu menternakkan diri.
Nah, puas hati dah?
Ni link untuk nilai sendiri cerita ni ya.

22 October 2011


Paduan raga kita
Meniti debar bimbang hati
Nafas yang kencang
Jiwa yang berahi
Dan bahaya kekesalan
Bibir bertaut
Mata terkatup
Tangan menyentuh
Hati melerai lembut
Aku cintakanmu
Kau membawakanku saat manis yang bahagia
Selagi kau berada di sampingku
Setiap tempat adalah syurga.

20 October 2011

The Picture Above

Sebab gambar ni besar sangat, last time I used this picture, Blogger just took a small frame of it, which was just around the hills and a little bit of the lake.
This picture was taken at Tasik Kenyir, on 50th day of my practical training. (Sounds like celebration, huh?). Some of the viewer thought that it was taken at Gambang, Kuantan. But apparently, not.
Since now I’m updating my blog’s design, then I decided that I should now reveal the whole frame of the picture, so that you could see what was the picture was about. It was just me, sitting by somewhere near the lake, along the road. I feel lonely every time I look into this. Because this place is very rural that nobody was there besides me and my friend.

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Counting Down From Hundred


it's funny when you think about how coincidence rules
it's funny when you think about your life
you could have another fate, you could be at another place
if you turned right, and i turned left
then perhaps, we shouldn't have met.
i'm sorry.

12 October 2011



“Dan Tuhanmu telah memerintahkan agar kamu jangan menyembah melainkan hanya kepada-Nya dan hendaklah berbuat baik kepada kedua orang tua.

Dan jika salah satu dari keduanya atau kedua-duanya telah berusia lanjut dalam pemeliharaanmu maka sekali-kali janganlah kamu mengatakan kepada keduanya perkataan ‘ah’ dan janganlah kamu membentak keduanya.

Dan ucapkanlah kepada keduanya perkataan yang mulia, dan rendahkanlah dirimu terhadap keduanya dengan penuh kasih sayang dan ucapkanlah: ‘Wahai Tuhanku, sayangilah mereka keduanya, sebagaimana mereka telah menyayangi aku sewaktu kecil.’” (Al Israa’: 23-24)

It rarely feels like it’s alright. To keep this as a secret, to keep lying to everybody, and smile every time I’m trying to lie. But it doesn’t matter now. Not anymore. For now I have seek the reasons, imploring rationale and being strong.

I am being melancholy for the time being. I reached UPM at about 10.00 earlier tonight. And all that greeted me was that feeling of betrayal and rejection. This is how I imagined things will happen anyway, so it’s not that I am shocked or anything. But I’ve got to tell that I’d feel disappointed with a few human beings right now. Especially after came back from home, these hard feelings keep creeping inside my ribs and crushing my chest from deep within. I think the main problem now is me feeling homesick. I miss my mother, my father, and my siblings, as well as my nephews and nieces. And when those people here treat me like crap, it doesn’t help in any ways. In fact, my mood dramatically swing and my hatred magnified enormously.

And to tell the truth, I felt like being stabbed in the back. A few really wrong facebook statuses can really mess up your relationship with people. And it’s easy to play the victim card, to tell everybody that somebody crossed you or wronged you, when in fact you know that you are just being hypocrite. You’re just like the Jews.

And I am keeping a promise to myself to help my mother. It was a secret between us. I cannot stand to see my mother suffering when what she should do now instead is enjoying her life downhill. It’s unfair to her to have only her kids as possession and not a single fancy clothe or jewelry, or a piece of land, or anything else for a change. Damn it! So I said a promise to her to help her in some ways so that she would be happy. But it’s a secret so I won’t tell anybody.

And now I’ve finished reading few novels. The Bonesetter’s Daughter particularly had really gripped me. Amy Tan, the author had once again taught me that taking care of your parents is not because you are responsible for them, but because you love them. And this is how I’ve been feeling these three days I was at home. I was feeling like a useless kid. I don’t know how to make my parents as happy as they were. I really hoped that I could give them more money, and hoping that I am hardworking enough to give them a massage on their old knees, or hardworking enough to help doing the chores around the house. It really broke my heart to see the face of my tired father who just came back from the rubber farm. And the face of my mother every time my niece or nephew being disobedient and naughty.

Sometimes they cried at night for the fate that should have not befallen them. It’s not their fault anyways. We were happier than this before. We are one big family, with laughter and closeness. But it all went wrong. It went wrong somewhere. So that now my father is sacrificing his old days for somebody else’s sake, and my mother sacrificing her long-seek freedom for her child.

Amy Tan many times highlighted this issue in her books. How a mother is willing to sacrifice even her own life just for the sake of her child. Many characters in her book attempted suicide so that they would give their child a stronger life of their own. That mothers before they died swore that if anybody dared to lay a finger on their child, their restless spirit will haunt them and bring them bad luck. So thanks to superstition, they had saved their children from the cruelty of relatives and stepmothers.

My mother is one of the mothers. I know that she would protect the life of her children even if that means she would jeopardize her own. My mother went through a lot just to make us happy. How that full cauldron of boiling oil burnt her skin, was the testament of her love to us. It was my sister’s engagement day. How every time we ask for our own favourite dishes, she would try to prepare them no matter what.

And the thing that I think made my mother is the strongest of them all is that she would never know the name of her own mother. I often wonder how my mother put herself to sleep at night without thinking of her real mother. She was abandoned by her own mother, for goodness’s sake. Amy Tan also only knew the name of her real mother and her grandmother the day her mother died, only that because her mother was an immigrant and she used a different name in America, but her mother never left her side. And like Amy Tan’s, my mother is also a Chinese.

It must be painful to not knowing your real mother. And you are walking this planet without knowing to whom or to which family you actually belong. It must be very painful.

Sometimes I prayed that I also would have the chance to meet my real grandmother. No matter who she is, I wanted to know why she left my mother. And to ask her whether she had ever loved my mother or not in her whole life, or did she ever regretted her decision to abandon my mother. But her existence is still a mystery. Is she still alive? Was life so hard for her that she decided she could not keep my mother?

I don’t know if she also attempted suicide to give my mother a better life of her own. But I’d always hope that my mother would not leave this world without knowing the name of her own mother.


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04 October 2011


Hahaha! tergelak. bunyi macam bos tengah marah pekerja. So apa boleh buat?

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Pengguguran Bayi Islam

Selama ni honestly, I never ever thought seriously tentang bayi-bayi yang digugurkan. Because it would give me heartache. I know how they kill the babies, iaitu dengan cara memasukkan objek tajam dalam rahim n then mencarik2 baby yang masih bernyawa dalam perut mak dia hidup2.

Yes, that baby is already a human being. Begini ye kawan2, bagaimana mereka membunuh bayi2 yang tidak berdosa:


Gambar dekat bawah pulak menunjukkan mayat bayi yang sudahpun digugurkan. Can you see? Dah hancur dah rupanya. N sabun buku tu diletakkan untuk menjadi skala supaya kita boleh nampak saiz sebenar bayi ni.

267461_1681008364133_1805285486_1095836_4688851_n (1)
Ni pulak gambar mayat bayi ni yang masih melekat dekat plasenta @ tali pusat. Keluar sekali dengan isi perut rahim ibu dia.


Tapi what really shocked me ialah gambar di bawah:




Yes, jenazah2 bayi yang digugurkan ni perlu diuruskan dengan cara Islam. Sebab mereka ialah anak orang Islam. Before this saya tak pernah terfikir tentang jenazah bayi Islam yang digugurkan.

Shame on me.

Selama ni cuma baca pasal pengguguran janin, tapi tak pernah baca pasal pengurusan jenazah janin. Jenazah di atas semuanya dikafankan dan akan diuruskan mengikut cara Islam, dan yang menguruskan mereka ialah pegawai dari Persatuan Derma Amanah Muslimin (MTFA) dari tiga buah hospital setempat iaitu Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-kanak Kandang Kerbau (KKH), Hospital Besar Singapura (SGH) dan Hospital Universiti Nasional (NUH) (semua ni bayi orang Melayu Singapura).

Janin-janin itu tidak dituntut oleh ibu yang mengandungkan mereka selepas menjalani pengguguran di hospital- hospital tersebut.

Janin di atas semuanya berusia dari dua minggu hingga enam bulan, dan ada 16 kesemuanya. Kepada ibu yang sanggup membunuh anaknya sendiri, tunggulah balasan. Tak dapat dekat dunia, dekat akhirat dapatlah habuan.

Link asal: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1681008324132.67512.1805285486

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